Monday, August 23, 2010

Self Improvement? Try Catholicism.

How do you know if someone is willing to undertake self-improvement?

The answer depends on the individual. Many people have goals and dreams, but do not know how to achieve them. Some people have a vague idea about how to go about self improvement. These are those who believe that if only they had a better job, or  had better opportunities, or met their love in life or something else - everything would be better and they would be happy. They believe that their happiness or lack of happiness is decided by external factors and their thoughts and actions of circumstance. Some believe that if only they had more money they can get what they want and is intended to improve themselves.

They may have spent little time thinking about what they really want in life, and do not think there is something you can do to create their ideal life, apart from the tickets lottery number. Others do not even know what they really want their lives and perhaps even a small idea that would be very happy. It seems that derives only from day to day, week after week, month after month and year to year, not much more to face and virtually. They may have to get a job and remain not earn enough to live a relatively comfortable life. They seem very happy and have no great ambition to achieve something more than his life, they have now. Is it important to improve itself? The reality is that all our life, we all grow and develop. Circumstances make us grow and evolve, even if it takes a conscious decision to do so.

Have they thought of religion or God? I would assume most people have thought about religion and God, however not many take the step to become religious or Godly. Why not Catholicism provides some great in site into the Catholic Church and it's teachings.

Becoming a Catholic will greatly help in self improvement because it is the Truth, and for every question their is an answer.

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